So 2016 has finally gone the way of the dodo bird and we're welcoming a brand new year that still has that new-year smell to it: 2017! I've had the blog on the back-burner since the brain-draining writing exercise of October and, now that we're "turning the page" to a new chapter, we're going to crank things back up here.
See it peeking out from the back seat? |
Rattlecan YouTube channel will continue to be the #1 visual form of project information on the guitar projects happening here at RGR. Projects get filmed and edited and then SCHEDULED to drop Wednesday mornings at 0700 EST. There are days where a LOT of work gets done and I can easily record enough material for 2-5 videos to spread out for distribution. What you see happening on a new video may be hours or days or weeks old at that time.
If you want to keep up with what's going on in the workshop TODAY the best way is to friend RATTLECAN GUITAR RESTORATIONS over on the
FACEBOOK. It is super-easy for me to take a photo or even do a live stream using my phone and have it go there. You'll see little peeks at things you will soon posted on the YouTube channel in the upcoming weeks. I also post to both
INSTAGRAM, but at a lesser rate than the Facebook.
There's also a way to see RGR content even faster, and that's to become a patron of the channel over on
PATREON. Patreon is like an ongoing tip jar where you can support this channel for as little as $1/month and that monthly contribution is combined with others to help make the channel look and sound better and for projects to happen quicker. As a reward, patrons get access to the videos when they're UPLOADED to the YouTubes (not the day they're scheduled) as well as seeing them WITHOUT ADS! There is also exclusive content posted: conversations, polls, photos and videos. If you find the content from RGR informational and/or entertaining then please consider supporting us.
The hit-and-miss Ohio winter of 2016. |
What you'll get here on the blog is additional photos of the projects that I often take for reference purposes and some yammering about what I plan on doing (which often changes d/t circumstances). I'll also be slowly migrating the old guitar galleries from the previous blog so those reference photos (and historical yammering) won't be lost.
It's an ambitious schedule I've laid out for myself, but I enjoy the interaction that happens by screwing stuff up so you don't have to. Here's to getting a bunch of learning accomplished and building the RGR community over a number of different platforms to suit the needs of your, the loyal RGR viewer.