Monday, October 10, 2016

Write 31 Days- Day 10

Today was a family day. Kids out of school, wife off from work and me.....well, my schedule is a bit more flexible. So I was able to sleep in a little, grocery shop in a very uncreative manner and then I wrote a painfully detailed letter to the manufacturer of my very big, very much just over a year old and very not working TV (which has already been serviced once) asking them in my ever-so-polite style to please contact me about getting it fixed. Again. Insert angry face <HERE>.

We then went to the happiest of happy places here in the greater Dayton, Ohio region: Young's Jersey Dairy. We commenced to do what we always do: we get some of the best ice cream on the planet, an assortment of cheese curds, pet the goats and participate in some sort of seasonal activity (we picked pumpkins to carve). Family day successful and back to the house for the mandatory post ice cream coma. Success.

After my nap I was able to admire a new tool just added to the collection: a marking knife. You use it instead of a pencil when indicating cut lines on wood. And that's cool in and of itself but what makes it amazing is that my good friend Steve made it for me. He is accomplished in a number of skills that I have very little command of with one being working with metal. I work with metal like a kindergartner works with clay. Or glue. Steve, on the other hand, can move metal in ways that make it almost seem to be a fluid. He takes pieces of scrap metal and castaway pieces of wood and makes me this:

marking knife made by my friend Steve
I look at it and am amazed. I can do the wooden thing he does but the metal thing escapes me. The most amazing thing about this is that he took time out of his life to create this for me. I'm always blown away when people involve themselves in my life at that level: the patrons who help support the channel through the Patreon campaign by donating $1 at a time, subscribers who send me items to open and share, and people who take time out of their crazy busy life to do something for my benefit.

It honestly boggles the mind.

Keep being creative good people. And if you have a creative way to do something mundane (like grocery shopping) PLEASE comment below and let me know about it.