Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Write 31 Days- day 4 the frenzy

So if you read yesterday's post you know it was actually posted today which means I need to make another post about today now that I've actually done today.


Today's creative juices went into finishing a video about how to make a bad video. Kind of a reverse psychology thing. Part of it was showing examples of how to NOT make a video so I can to creatively figure out how to make bad video and after working for so long on trying to make it look good it was a little odd trying to make it too dark or to make the sound too low or muffled. Actually a little unsettling.

There was a large amount on non-creative time trying to get up to speed on the "behind the scenes" action that takes place when you're trying to promote yourself on social media. I ran a small business a number of years ago and what you do today is not what we did back then. Social media accounts, pushing messages, it gets a little crazy!

The main creative part of the day was trying to figure out how to re-arrange the way I have my video lights arranged in the workshop. Without going "full-geek" I have to move some things and to do that I have to replace them and I have $4.00 and a handful of popsicle sticks. OK, it isn't that bad but Rattlecan runs on a budget and money spent on production costs is money away from guitar projects. After a short driving lesson with one of my girls (another story for another day perhaps) I had a eureka moment and came home with what I needed and spent $13.

And to cap the night off we did a YouTube live stream tonight so I could open some viewer mail freshly off the truck from the UK. Video didn't work, audio lagged and I was furiously clicking like nobody's business. After a re-start of the software it all went well and for 25 minutes I was able to chat a bit with some friends both here in the US and the UK.
The end of the UK mystery tool
SO on the grand creativity scale of 1 to 10 today was about a 2.5 I'd say.I didn't write War and Peace but I did exercise that creativity center of my brain a bit. And I posted this with a minute left.

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