This is kind of an odd blog entry because I spent the majority of the day (minus an exciting trip to the legal office to update our wills) creating something I'm working on that's, well....a secret.
Like many creative people I have multiple outlets for my creativity: as a maker, a video series host, as well as a writer of the more technical side of that creativity. But I'm also a writer of the purely creative variety; a world filled with situations and people that are both fantastic as well as boringly ordinary. I don't write in a genre where "anything goes" as some have the luxury of doing, but in a world bound by the reality a person of similar upbringing would easily recognize. IF situation X were to happen, a large group of people would reasonably expect A, B, and C to follow.
The rub is trying to weave those expected reactions into a story line that makes you want to turn the page. The challenge is to have the situation evolving in a way that makes you NOT want to put the book down when it's time to get the kids from school. Creativity tasked to the max. Does it hook you or not? How hard (or easy) it is for a test reader to walk away from it when you tell them supper is ready?
Try it. Come up with a tale of some sort and get it on paper. It doesn't have to be terribly long but can you get it to a point where you think "This will get them!" and hand it to that person 5 minutes before supper. Tell them they have 5 minutes (make sure you don't give them something that takes 3 minutes to read) and then see if they're late. Or if they come and start asking you questions, looking for more info you didn't feed them in those pages.
Just a thought.
Be creative folks.
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