Monday, October 24, 2016

Write 31 Days- Day 24 James is a Slacker

But, in my defense, I was medicated for a combination of bad-knee-getting-worse and kick-butt-immune-response-to-pollen. So there.

Today I'm problem solving an issue with reports that some of my videos are "stuttering" and getting out of sync. They play fine on the Godzilla-sized system I edit on and I can replicate the problem when viewing them online (sometimes) on various devices(sometimes) so I blame the Interwebs and YouTube.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to not try to fix the problem on my end if I can. So, I'm doing a little experimenting with rendering settings and the like  which is TERRIBLY exciting (said no one ever) and in the process I came across this little gem of a clip. I say gem for no particular reason other than it is one of my earliest attempts at shooting video with my Canon 7D digital camera. I've gone through as replaced the music (long story of a disagreement between my buyout music company (since taken over) YouTube, and myself. I tried to clean up the cuts as much as I could but the original files are long gone and this came out of a silly $20 editing program I bought and consequently hated.

So with that bit of dross out there in the open here's the video of a winter snow storm that hit Yokota Air Base, Japan in 2012 when we were blessed to live there. For me there's nothing better than winter weather and to experience it in a land that has you mesmerized is a bonus.

a great day to be out and about

Be creative kids.

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